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Post Aktüel: Name of the success is Mr.YEMYEŞİL
Industry in the area is among the leading companies of Turkey Mr. Yemyeşil now exports to 56 countries, mainly Europe and the Middle East.
Sending machines to Saudi Arabia to clean the carpets in buildings in Mecca and Medina, including holy places, Mr. Yemyeşil earns the country an average of $ 9 million per year.
Finally, the company, which started exporting to India, delivered the first part of the orders.
STUTTGART / 21/09/2018

Yeni Şafak: Producing and Exporting Industrial Carpet Washing machine and Sector's problems
Developing projects on industrial carpet washing machines in 17 years ago, Ayhan Yemyeşil transformed his adventure that started in a small business in Izmir's Gaziemir district into a success story.
The businessman, who offered the machines he designed to the use of the consumer with an innovative approach in accordance with the technological conditions of the day, turned towards export, which was his goal, rather than the domestic market.
İZMİR / 18/01/2019
Daily SABAH Business: Turkish entrepreneur signs $9 million export deal
Turkish entrepreneur signed a $9 million export deal after successfully selling his specially-designed industrial carpet cleaner to 56 countries.
With his invention, Ayhan Yemyeşil, a self-made entrepreneur from Turkey's Izmir province, has paved the road to success, while contributing to the country's economy after branching out from domestic markets to sell his locally made products worldwide.

Hürriyet: Machines that he produced are washing the carpet of the 56 countries
India has a population of approximately 1 billion 300 million. It is a very leading country in the fabric and carpet industry. Since they are advanced in this sector, they do not import much machinery.
Our first piece of product is gone. Now we are preparing the second parts . We will deliver them in about 2 months.
Sabah, Hürriyet, Anadolu Ajans: Dönertaş Racing Team 2019-2020 Season